Twenty9 Pixture born out of the desire to the capture those precious moments in life, turning them into memory for a lifetime.
A picture is worth a thousand words, especially picture that tells a story. Ever look at a photo and smile? Isn’t that a great feeling? It is exactly those moments we need to capture and keep it for memories of a lifetime! Using those memories and tell stories to our next generations.
We provide the following services:
1. Children and Family portraits
2. Personal portraits
3. Wedding Photography (pre-wedding, wedding ceremony)
4. Event photography (corporate or private event, birthday, aqiqah, engagement day etc.)
Please visit our official website:
or Contact : 019-3751916
Linda Idris
Majlis Cukur Jambul & Aqiqah Aariz yang diadakan pada 18hb Disember 09 serba biru & pink.. Aariz dah pun 4 bln time majlis ni..tenang rasa jiwa mendengar ayat2 serta selawat ke atas nabi didendangkan...hati berasa sayu apabila mendengar syair dan kata2 nasihat yang didodoikan buat si anak.. penuh dengan nasihat dan semangat, dengan irama yang lembut serta mengasyikkan, betul2 masuk ke dalam jiwa. Berair juga mata bila mendengar.. Mudah-mudahan apa yang didendangkan itu akan menjadi satu kata2 keramat buat si anak dalam perjalanan hidupnya sehingga dewasa kelak..AMIN..